Implant-based breast augmentation

The aim of this procedure is to increase the volume of the breasts with an improvement in shape, for example after pregnancy, breastfeeding or a weight loss. The cause is sometimes unknown or genetic. In the case of sagging breasts, a breast uplift can be performed.
The surgery will improve the size, shape and volume of your breasts, rejuvenating your curves.

  • Your breasts are too small (mammary hypotrophy)
  • You experienced breast sagging after breastfeeding and pregnancy
  • You are hung up about the size of your breast because you think it does not match your age
  • You are uncomfortable with the size and position of your areolas (too large and/or too low)
  • You cannot find a bra that fits you perfectly
  • You systematically wear padded bras
  • Your breasts are asymmetrical
  • Your breasts have a deformity (Poland syndrome, tuberous breasts)

It is important for young women to reach milestones in growth and physical maturity before considering surgery. Indeed, there is often a variation in body weight and size and hence the breast shape. It is also recommended to wait until puberty before considering surgery.
To consider having an implant-based breast augmentation in the best possible conditions, it is important that your weight be stable. In fact, variations in weight can alter the result of the surgery, as well as excess weight increases the risk of post-operative complications. Of course, each situation should be discussed with your surgeon, who can best advise you.

It should be noted that breast implants are not guaranteed to last a lifetime. Indeed, after a variable period (10 years on average), implant replacement should be considered


The surgery is rarely covered by health insurance (in the case of a congenital malformation such as Poland syndrome and tuberous breasts). Your surgeon must make a prior request by sending a letter with your photos. Otherwise, a cost estimate will be forwarded to you after the first consultation.


Scars position varies depending on what technique is used. The position is not the same if a surgical procedure is associated. In general, an inframammary incision (in the fold) is preferred. It is also possible to position breast implants by making a scar in the lower part of the areola. Dr Thomet does not perform axillary and umbilical incisions.
The position of the implants – below or above the muscle – will be selected depending on your morphology, your skin quality, your sports activity and the type of breast implants.
Your surgeon will advise you on the various possibilities suited to your specific situation.


After you have had time to think it over,
a second appointment will be arranged in order to answer your questions, choose the implants and set a date for the surgery. The choice of implants depends on your wishes, but especially on your body morphology. Concerning the breast implants size, the final decision rests with the surgeon. The latter will decide the size that suits your body. Dr Thomet believes in a “moderate” aesthetic surgery and will not accept any extravagant claims.
An X-ray control (mammography and/or breast ultrasound) dating since less than a year is required before any surgery.


An implant-based breast augmentation is a procedure that requires general anaesthesia. A preoperative consultation with an anaesthesiolgist will therefore be organised before the procedure.


Implant-based breast augmentation does not usually require hospitalisation, one-day outpatient care is sufficient. In some cases, inpatient treatment is required for one or two days.


When leaving the clinic, you will have simple dressings that will be changed the following week for the first time at the practice. You are allowed to shower around 7 days after surgery. You should wear a sports bra (without underwire, with a wide elastic band, if possible with front opening for greater comfort) day and night for 6 weeks.


It is not recommended to drive and carry weight (more than 2-3 kilos) when leaving the clinic. Activity resumption may be considered after 2-3 weeks depending on the type of activity. It is necessary to wait 4 weeks before doing sports.
If the surgery is covered by health insurance, Dr Thomet will issue you with a medical certificate for the duration of your incapacity for work.