Breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery is an operation which reduces the size of breasts and lifts them, thus giving them an attractive curved shape. This allows people to have a better quality of life, by reducing back pain, or even in some cases, getting rid of it altogether. In the case of asymmetric breasts, it can allow the patient to get a balanced chest back again.

  • You have large breasts
  • You have drooping breasts (mammary ptosis)
  • You are embarrassed by breasts which do not go with your age
  • You are embarrassed by the size and the position of your areola (too large and too low)
  • You have irritated skin below your breasts due to friction
  • You can’t find suitable bras
  • You are embarrassed when you practice sport
  • Your breasts are not symmetric
  • Vos seins sont asymétriques

For young women it is important to wait until the breasts have finished growing before thinking about surgery. In fact, during puberty, we often see variations in weight, and therefore in the size and the shape of breasts. Therefore, it is recommended to wait until the end of puberty before considering a surgical procedure.
To consider breast reduction surgery in the best possible conditions, it is important that your weight be stable. In fact, variations in weight can alter the result of the surgery, as well as excess weight increasing the risk of post-operative complications. Of course, each situation should be discussed with your surgeon who will be best able to advise you.


Regardless of which technique is used, a scar around the nipple is unavoidable. In general, Dr Thomet usually opts for an anchor shape (in addition to the scar around the nipple area, there is also a vertical scar below and a horizontal scar under the breast crease). This technique allows the excess skin and fat to be removed in an effective manner and often avoids the need for subsequent modifications. In certain specific cases, a single vertical scar in addition to that around the nipple area (lollipop shape) may be used. Your surgeon will able to advise you of the techniques which are suitable in your case.


The first consultations with Dr Thomet will allow you to get to know your surgeon, to discuss your situation and your wishes with her. In order to fill in your medical file, she will ask you about your medical history, any operations you may have had before, as well as a list of any medication you may be on and any allergies you may have.
She will carry out a physical exam and take measurements and in some cases photos, which will remain confidential and be used only in connection with your medical records.
At the end of the consultation, Dr Thomet will give her diagnosis and tell you if you are a good candidate for surgery. She will explain the technique she plans to use, the position of the scars, the recovery time and the risks of complications.
After allowing you time to think about it, a second consultation will be scheduled in order to answer any questions you may have and to book a date for the operation.
An ultra-sound radiological (mammogram and/or mammary ultrasound) check-up which goes back less than a year is required before any operation.


In some cases, your surgery may be covered by health insurance. This involves your surgeon writing a prior request which he will send by post, along with your photos.
If this is not the case, an estimate of the fees will be provided after the first consultation.

Type of anaesthesia

Breast reduction surgery is an operation which requires a general anaesthesia. So a pre-op consultation with an anaesthesiologist will be organised before the operation.


Breast reduction surgery usually requires an overnight stay in hospital. This allows better monitoring of pain medication and close monitoring of the patient. In some cases the surgeon will place drains during the operation (small tubes connected to bottles). These will be removed painlessly before you leave the clinic.

Post-op period

When you leave the clinic, you will just have dressings which need to be changed for the first time during the following week at the practice. You will be able to take showers after around 5 to 7 days. You will need to wear a bra like a sports bra (without underwire, with wide straps and if possible, front-opening for greater comfort) day and night for 6 weeks.


When you leave the clinic, we recommend that you do not drive or carry anything heavy (more than 2-3 kilos). You can go back to work after 2 to 3 weeks, depending on the type of activity you have, and sport after 6 to 8 weeks.
If the surgery is covered by your medical insurance, Dr Thomet will provide you with a medical certificate for the period for which you are unable to work.